Satisfy your sweet tooth cravings with these keto-friendly chocolate chip cookies.
Made with Low Carb Ingredients
Epiphany Bakery's formula is gluten-free, sugar free, and ketogenic.
Sweetened with 100% Kabocha Extract
These cookies are sweetened with zero calorie and zero glycemic 100% kabocha extract for an indulgent sweet taste without any of the bitter.
Real Food Ingredients
Taste cookies made from real food sources like almonds, butter, eggs, vanilla, and sea salt.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies?
BochaSweet has partnered with Epiphany Bakery to bring you a specially formulated line of sugar-free and gluten-free cookies. These cookies are sweetened with BochaSweet, a natural, sugar-free sweetener derived from the kabocha squash often referred to as the Japanese pumpkin.
Are these cookies keto-friendly, gluten-free, and sugar-free?
Yes, these cookies are formulated to be keto-friendly, gluten-free, and sugar-free with low net carb content, making them suitable for those on a ketogenic diet.
Do these cookies contain any additives or artificial ingredients?
No, there are no additives or artificial ingredients in these cookies.