How Bocha-Beets is the Best Tasting Beetroot Supplement

You have heard the ads on the radio and TV raving about beets and how beetroot powder helps with nitric oxide production by supporting healthy circulation and blood pressure. If you tried beetroot powder you have realized firsthand that this powerful extract definitely works, but you may have been put off by the bitter aftertaste you get with our competitors' beet supplements sweetened with stevia. Our own upgraded beetroot formulation gets the same high quality GMO FREE all-natural beetroot powder found in other products. But to take things to the next level, it is sweetened with our great tasting keto-friendly sugar replacement, BochaSweet. Our specially formulated Bocha-Beets has everything you could ever want in a beet powder mix, especially as a pre-workout supplement. This is why we created Bocha-Beets! A stimulant-free beetroot supplement that is sweetened with 100% kabocha extract. The best tasting keto-friendly sugar replacement on the market! No more chugging down beet powders that leave an unpleasant artificial taste! Or that has added flavorings which taste like cough syrup! Bocha-Beets was created with your health in mind and contains ingredients that helps to support a healthy cardiovascular system.
  • Non-GMO Beetroot Extract
  • Citrulline Malate
  • Betaine Anhydrous
  • Branched Chain Amino Acids
  • L-Arginine
  • Vitamin B6/B12
  • Electrolytes (magnesium, sodium, and potassium)

Non-GMO Beetroot Extract

In our Bocha-Beets formula we made sure to source a high quality GMO free, organic beetroot powder that has a high nitrate content. Beetroot has been increasing in popularity in recent studies due to its claims that it can improve athletic performance, support healthy blood pressure, and increase blood flow. The abundance of dietary nitrates found in beets convert intro nitric oxide in the body. The purpose of nitric oxide is to help relax and dilate the blood vessels.

Citrulline Malate

The amino acid L-citrulline is included to help with endurance and delaying the onset of fatigue during exercise. This amino acid is popular in pre-workout formulations and helps to assist further with blood and nitric oxide production in the body. When it comes to your workouts, citrulline can help you perform more reps and reduce post-workout muscle soreness.

Betaine Anhydrous

Betaine is found in beets and is a powerful bioactive compound that helps to support a healthy heart and regulates homocysteine levels in the body.

Branched Chain Amino Acids

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's) are added into Bocha-Beets for muscle growth by promoting protein synthesis. These branched chain amino acids are composed of leucine, isoleucine, and valine.


The amino acid L-arginine creates nitric oxide and relaxes the blood vessels. The body converts L-citrulline into L-arginine; therefore, adding L-arginine into Bocha-Beets helps to support healthy circulation.

Vitamins B6/B12

Vitamin B6, known as pyridoxine, is a water-soluble vitamin that your body utilizes for creating neurotransmitters and regulating homocysteine levels. Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of the world's leading nutrient deficiencies. Adding B12 to Bocha-Beets provides benefits to the central nervous system.


The electrolytes added into the formulation is magnesium, potassium, and sodium. By including these electrolytes into Bocha-Beets, you can prevent the drop in performance during exercise that comes about from low mineral levels.

Summary - Bocha-Beets Nitric Oxide Booster

Bocha-Beets is a stimulant-free beetroot supplement that is sweetened with 100% kabocha extract. The best tasting keto-friendly sugar replacement on the market! Simply purchase a 10.6 oz jar of Bocha-Beets and you will automatically receive a FREE 1 Lb pouch of BochaSweet with your order.

Click Here To Learn More About Bocha-Beets

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