3 Ways Collagen Can Benefit Your Health

3 Ways Collagen Can Benefit Your Health

Collagen is a "hot" ingredient on the supplement market, you may have heard about it from popular health gurus or seen it at your local vitamin shop. This powerhouse superfood is quite impressive when it comes to its anti-aging health benefits. It's a protein source that can be derived from the bones and skin of cows, chicken, or even fish. It's also found in our own bodies. It's the most abundant structural protein in the human body and is found in skin, bones, muscles, blood vessels, digestive system, and tendons. Although, our modern diets are some underlying reasons for depleting our collagen production which leads to sagging skin, aging, joint pain, and weakened cartilage. Now, is the time to start making collagen a priority in your life to get back your health to its youthful state. In this article, you will learn 3 ways collagen can help benefit your health.

1. Improves Health of Skin and Joints

As you start to age, your skin starts to lose its elasticity and wrinkles begin to form. This is due to a decrease in collagen production which can be solved by upping primarily the intake of the amino acids glycine and proline. These two amino acids play a major role in collagen production. There is a total of 18 amino acids found in collagen. 8 of these amino acids are considered essential amino acids. Ingesting hydrolyzed collagen has been shown to help counteract the changes brought on by aging. A study conducted on 217 subjects that presently had fine lines or wrinkles resulted in 109 of these subjects had significant improvement in their facial lines after 60 days of treatment with collagen. Collagen surprisingly also has some powerful benefits when it comes to joint health. A 24 week study conducted on athletes with joint pain showed significant changes by supplementing with 10g of collagen daily. The findings show promising for patients suffering from osteoarthritis.

2. Helps To Maintain Healthy Cardiac Function

Collagen is an essential compound that is considered vital to maintaining the health of cardiac tissue according to the Journal of American Collage of Cardiology. Collagen is rich in the amino acid proline which is great for cardiac health by reducing fat buildup in the bloodstream. It also has arginine which is an amino acid that helps with nitric oxide production and relaxes the blood vessels for better circulation. There is also some interesting studies looking into how collagen supplementation can help with atherosclerosis. 32 healthy volunteers supplemented with collagen by adding it to a liquid of their choice (water, miso soup, green tea, or similar beverage). The changes after the 6 month study show a significant reduction in the cholesterol ratio along with the recovery of blood vessel elasticity.

3. Supports Healthy Hair and Nails

Nothing is more frustrating than seeing your own hair starting to recede when you look in the mirror. With collagen you can strengthen your hair follicles and have your hair growing vibrantly and fully like it was in its youth. Although, the findings are not yet clear, collagen shows potential when it comes to hair follicle regeneration. Another broken nail? Say goodbye to broken nails. You are not alone, brittle nail syndrome is a common problem among women. Collagen supplementation has reported a 12% nail growth rate increase and a 42% decrease in broken nail frequency according to this PubMed study. Adding collagen to your diet helps to keep your nails strong. So, now you are probably quite AMAZED by these benefits and can't wait to get your hands on this superfood!

Make Collagen A Priority For Your Health

You probably have a clear understanding why collagen should be an important component to your health goals. But, the challenge due to our fast-paced modern lifestyle makes it difficult to consume this amazing superfood on a daily basis. We have made this easy for you by adding a sufficient dose of collagen in our BochaBars, our new line of protein bars. Whether you are constantly on the commute, facing long hours at work, or an active fitness enthusiast looking for a convenient way to get in more collagen. These bars are for you. You can also grab a 16 oz canister of our Grass Fed Collagen Peptides which can be easily mixed into smoothies, coffee, and soups for an extra protein boost. We are confident that you will notice new changes to your health.

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