How about taking your morning BochaSweet coffee to another level of "superpower" that gives you immune system support and that inner/outer body glow? Well, our "Superpower" BochaSweet Coffee is just what you need. This coffee is made with BochaSweet Collagen Peptides and Mushroom Boost for a keto-friendly protein boost and to support wellness and vitality.
Our individual BochaSweet Granular Packets are zero calorie, zero glycemic and derived from 100% kabocha extract for a truly, wonderful sweet tasting coffee.
When you drink BochaSweet Coffee, your sweet tooth will feel satisfied and also feel supercharged for hours. It's keto-friendly, sugar-free, and only takes a minute to make!
Making BochaSweet coffee is quick and easy to make at home. There is no need for a hand mixer or blender.
Simply mix the BochaSweet granular sweetener packets with the Collagen Peptides and Mushroom Boost using a spoon. Then, pour the freshly brewed coffee over and stir. This process prevents clumping and allows the dry ingredients to effectively dissolve into the coffee.
You can feel free to mix your coffee with a hand mixer or blender if you prefer. Feel free to also add in your favorite add-ins like chocolate powder, cinnamon, creamer/MCT's, and anything else you like for a delicious, creamy keto-friendly latte.
Add Collagen, Mushroom Boost, and granular packets to a cup. Stir until well mixed.
Pour brewed coffee over dry ingredients and stir gently. Enjoy!
Calories: 40
Carbs: 21.7
Protein: 11g
Fat: 0g
Fiber: 40mg
Sugar: 0mg
Keywords: superpower bochasweet coffee recipe
Check out this video to learn how to make this delicious "Superpower" BochaSweet Coffee at home. Give this a recipe a try and let us know what you think!